Department of Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry carries out scientific research work through a large number of various researches and projects. Within the framework of these researches, the synthesis of new derivatives of different classes of organic compounds and the examination of their physiological activities are being done. The complete spectral characterization of these compounds involves spectroscopic and spectrometric methods, as well as crystallographic analysis of synthesized compounds, with the aim of determining the relationship between structure and physiological action in order to synthesize new more active products.

Part of the mentioned researches refers to the optimization and validation of modern tandem separation and analytical methods (GC / MS), (GC / MS / MS), (LC / MS / MS), (HPLC / MS) and their application in the determination of various substances (pesticides, metal ions, anions, drugs, newly synthesized psychoactive substances (NPSs), radionuclides, antioxidants, etc.) in complex real matrices-biological samples, pharmaceuticals, food, wine and environmental samples. Statistical analysis include correlation using PCAs and cluster analysis and modeling processes in the environment. It is examined and studied kinetics of different processes, optimization of chromatographic methods with mass and tandem mass spectrometry (GC / MS) and (GC / MS / MS) in analytical toxicology.

Also, work is underway to the development of robust and sensitive methods of different NPCs using SPE extraction and tandem chromatographic techniques with optimization of detection and determination on MS / MS. Examining the biological and phytochemical activity of active components, determination of polyphenolic profile, endemic plants from characteristic geographical areas using tandem HPLC / UV / Vis method. Determination of the macro and microelement content in herbal tea samples through optical emission spectrometry with induced coupled plasma (ICP - OES) with the aim of gaining insight into the mineral status and, therefore, the safety of medicinal plants.

Research related to the structuring of polymer nanocomposites and functional materials using different precursors through the implementation of several different phases and activities at the Department of Chemistry. The work is based on testing the properties of hybrid polymeric materials for specific applications and determining the influence of different types of fillers and additives and the effects of γ-radiation on the properties of polymer composites in order to obtain the materials of desired properties. Also, the application of suitable sensor materials and polymers with appropriate roles is investigated, either as a material for the construction of the receptor itself or a material for immobilization of the chemical type responsible for analyte recognition. These new electrode/modifier materials will be used for the simple, effective, reliable, sensitive and selective determination of bio-based and industrial compounds, drugs and pollutants in samples with as little prior sample preparation as possible. ...

Participation in the Realization of Teaching

No Course Code Course Name Sem. Number of Classes Other ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course type
1 H31111 General Chemistry 1 3 3 8 Compulsory Theoretical-Methodological
2 H31112 Qualitative Analytical
Chemistry 1
1 2 3 7 Compulsory Vocational - applicative
3 H31113 Physics 1 2 2 6 Compulsory Academic-general education
4 H31114 Mathematics 1 1 2 2 5 Compulsory Academic-general education
5 Блок 1 Elective Courses 1 1 1 1 4
1 HF111 Russian Language 1 Elective Academic-general education
2 HF555 English Language 1 Elective Academic-general education
6 H31121 Inorganic Chemistry 2 3 3 8 Compulsory Theoretical-Methodological
7 H31122 Qualitative Analytical
Chemistry 2
2 3 3 8 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
8 H31123 Mathematics 2 2 2 2 5 Compulsory Academic-general education
9 H31124 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry 2 2 0 5 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
10 Блок 2 Elective Courses 2 2 1 1 4
3 HF English Language 2 Elective Academic-general education
4 HF222 Russian Language 2 Elective Academic-general education
Total number of classes (L, E, OFT, SRW): 21 20 60
Total number of classes: 41
11 H31231 Organic Chemistry 1 3 2 3 6 Compulsory Theoretical-Methodological
12 H31232 Physical Chemistry 1 3 2 2 6 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
13 H31233 Quantitative Analytical Chemistry 3 3 3 8 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
14 Блок 3 Elective Courses 3 3 3 2 8
5 H31235 Renewable Energy Sources Elective Scientific-Vocational
6 HF333 Pedagogy Elective Theoretical-Methodological
15 H31241 Organic Chemistry 2 4 3 3 7 Compulsory Theoretical-Methodological
16 H31242 Physical Chemistry 2 4 4 3 8 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
17 H31243 Practicum in quantitative analysis with measurement result processing 4 1 3 4 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
18 H31244 Separation Methods in Chemistry 4 2 2 5 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
19 Блок 4 Elective Courses 4 4 3 2 8
7 H31246 New Materials in Chemistry Elective Theoretical-Methodological
8 HF444 Psychology Elective Theoretical-Methodological
Total number of classes (L, E, OFT, SRW): 23 23 60
Total number of classes: 46
20 H31351 Chemistry of natural products 1 5 2 3 6 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
21 H31352 Fundamentals of Chemical Technology 5 2 2 5 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
22 H31353 Organic Stereochemistry 5 2 2 5 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
23 H31354 Higher Inorganic Chemistry 5 3 2 7 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
24 Блок 5 Elective Courses 5 5 2 2 7
9 H31355 School Experiments in Chemistry Teaching Elective Academic-general education
10 H31356 Chemistry of colloid Elective Scientific-Vocational
25 H31361 Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry 6 2 2 5 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
26 H31362 Optical Methods of Instrumental Analysis 6 3 2 7 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
27 H31363 Industrial Chemistry 6 2 0 2 5 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
28 H31364 Chemistry of Natural Products 2 6 2 3 6 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
29 Блок 6 Elective Courses 6 6 2 2 7
11 H31365 Chemistry Teaching Methodology Elective Theoretical-Methodological
12 H31366 Mechanisms of Inorganic Reactions Elective Scientific-Vocational
Total number of classes (L, E, OFT, SRW): 22 20 2 60
Total number of classes: 44
30 H31366 Organic Reaction Mechanisms 7 3 3 6 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
31 H31472 Polymers 7 2 2 4 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
32 H31473 Electroanalytical chemistry 7 3 2 6 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
33 H31474 Environmental analytical chemistry 7 2 2 4 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
34 Блок 7 Elective Courses 7 7 2 2 5
13 H31475 Scientific Information in Chemistry Elective Scientific-Vocational
14 H31476 Bioinorganic Chemistry Elective Vocational-applicative
15 H31477 Bioorganic Chemistry Elective Vocational-applicative
35 H31478 Professional Practice 7 0 0 6 3 Compulsory Theoretical-Methodological
36 H31481 Biochemistry 8 3 3 6 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
37 H31482 Environmental Protection 8 2 2 4 Compulsory Academic-general education
38 H31483 Instrumental Methods in Organic Chemistry 8 2 2 4 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
39 H31484 Fundamentals of Electrochemistry 8 2 2 5 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
40 Блок 8 Elective Courses 8 8 2 2 5 Vocational-applicative
16 H31485 Modern Methods in Analytical Chemistry Elective Vocational-applicative
17 H31486 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Elective Vocational-applicative
18 H31487 Computer Software Application in Chemistry Elective Scientific-Vocational
41 H31488 Final Thesis 8 0 0 3 8 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
42 31488 Final Thesis Writing and Defense 8 0 0 2 3 0 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
Total number of classes (L, E, OFT, SRW): 23 22 2 12 60
Total number of classes: 47 60
Total number of classes, other classes and ECTS in all years of study: 178 12 240

No Course Code Course Name Sem. Number of Classes Other ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course type
1. 32111 Coordination Chemistry 1 2 1 6 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
2. 32112 Scientific Research in Analytical Chemistry 1 2 2 6 Compulsory Theoretical-Metodological
3. Course Group 1 Elective Course Group 1 1 2 2 6
1. 32113 Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds Elective Scientific-Vocational
2. 32114 Sources of Chemical Energy Elective Scientific-Vocational
4. 32115 Professional Practice 1 0 0 6 3 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
5. 32116 Chemistry of macromolecules 1 2 2 6 Compulsory Academic-general education
6. 32121 Selected Chapters in Organic Chemistry 1 2 2 1 5 Compulsory Theoretical-methodological
7. Course Group 2 Elective Course Group 2 2 2 2 5
3. 32122 Electrochemical Sensors Elective Vocational-applicative
4. 32123 Inorganic Compounds in Medicine Elective Academic-general education
5. 32124 Food Product Analytics Elective Vocational-applicative
8. Course Group 3 Elective Course Group 3 2 2 2 5 Elective
6. 32125 Chemistry of Secondary Metabolites Elective Scientific-Vocational
7. 32126 Applied Organic Chemistry Elective Scientific-Vocational
9. 32127 Student Research Work 2 0 0 10 8 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
10. 32129 Master’s Thesis 2 0 0 3 2 10 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
Total number of classes (L, E, OFT, SRW): 14 13 1 13 8 60
Total number of classes: 41

Шиф. Пред. Назив предмета Сем. Статус предмета Пред Вежбе ЕСПБ
25111A Равнотеже у хемији 1 Обавезни 4 6 10
25112А Савремене оптичке методе 1 Обавезни 4 6 10
* Изборни предмет 1 2 ИБ 1 4 - 15
25121А Органски реагенси у хемијској анализи
25122А Аналитичка волтаметрија
* Изборни предмет 2 2 ИБ 2 4 - 15
25123А Микроанализа
25124А Сензори
    25125А Студијски истраживачки рад 1 2 Обавезни 12 10
Number of classes per academic year = 40
25231А Савремене електроаналитичке методе 3 Обавезни 4 - 10
    25232А Студијски истраживачки рад 2 3 Обавезни 16 10
* Изборни предмет 3 4 ИБ 3 4 - 30
25241А Одабрана поглавља електрохемије
25242А Карактеризација и аналитичка примена синтетисаних једињења
25243А Неорганске синтезе
    25244А Студијски истраживачки рад 3 4 Обавезни 16 10
Number of classes per academic year = 40
    25351А Студијски истраживачки рад 4 5 Обавезни 20 15
    25361A Студијски истраживачки рад 5 6 Обавезни 20 15
Number of classes per academic year = 40
    25362A Израда докторске дисертације 30
Шиф. Пред. Назив предмета Сем. Статус предмета Пред Вежбе ЕСПБ
25111О Одабрана поглавља органске хемије 1 Обавезни 4 6 10
25112О Стереохемија 1 Обавезни 4 6 10
* Изборни предмет 1 2 ИБ 1 4 - 15
25121О Принципи органске синтезе
25122О Структура полимерних материјала
* Изборни предмет 2 2 ИБ 2 4 - 15
25123О Конформациона анализа биополимера
25124О Хемија ароматичних биљака
25125О Хетероцикли у биомолекулима
25126О Композитни материјали
    25127О Студијски истраживачки рад 1 2 Обавезни 12 10
Number of classes per academic year = 40
25231О Реакциони механизми у органској хемији 3 Обавезни 4 - 10
    25232О Студијски истраживачки рад 2 3 Обавезни 16 10
* Изборни предмет 3 4 ИБ 3 4 - 30
25241О Хетероциклична једињења у индустрији
25242О Термичка анализа полимерних материјала
    25243О Студијски истраживачки рад 3 4 Обавезни 16 10
Number of classes per academic year = 40
    25351О Студијски истраживачки рад 4 5 Обавезни 20 15
    25361A Студијски истраживачки рад 5 6 Обавезни 20 15
Number of classes per academic year = 40
    25362O Израда докторске дисертације 40

Faculty members in the Department of Chemistry


Full Professor

Branka B. Petković
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Full Professor

Suzana M. Samaržija-Jovanović
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Full Professor

Vojislav D. Jovanović
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Full Professor

Vidoslav S. Dekić
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Full Professor

Biljana R. Dekić
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Full Professor

Ružica J. Micić
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Full Professor

Novica R. Ristić
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Full Professor

Dejan M. Gurešić
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Associate Professor

Bojana B. Laban
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Associate Professor

Dragana M. Sejmanović
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Assistant Professor

Milenko N. Ristić
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Teaching Assistant

Jovana S. Milojević
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Teaching Assistant

Marija S. Aksić
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