Mathematics - Master Studies

The study program Master's academic studies of Mathematics aims at educating students in theoretical and applied mathematics and acquiring applied knowledge in this field.

The goal of the program is to enable students to: use scientific and professional literature; to conduct or participate in research and to publish original scientific and /professional papers; to participate in scientific gatherings, symposia, conferences, congresses and similar forms of exchange of scientific thoughts, knowledge and experiences.

Through a group of theoretical mathematics subjects, the students become acquainted with classical mathematical theories in a contemporary way, as well as with current trends in mathematics. In addition to the acquired knowledge, the program ensures that the students develop the ability of abstraction and logical thinking. The quality of education is ensured by the fact that it is performed by professors with commendable scientific reputation, who participate several domestic and international scientific research projects.

Through attending pedagogical and didactics courses, the students are being prepared to work in primary and secondary schools, both for regular programs and for additional classes.

Knowledge of mathematics acquired during these studies, enables them to adequately apply modern software in mathematics, as well as communicate and present mathematical content in an effective way.

The goals of the study program are:

  • Preparation for further improvement and scientific growth;
  • Enabling students to connect the knowledge within the domain of mathematics and to apply it;
  • Preparing students for working in education;
  • Enabling students to use professional literature and modern information and communication technologies for acquiring new knowledge, i.e. for further independent professional development
  • Raising awareness about the necessity of permanent education, the development of the society as a whole and environmental protection;

A table of courses listed according to the semester/year of study for Master’s Studies, Mathematics 2020

No Course Code Course Name Sem. Number of Classes Other ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course type
1 43111 Contemporary Theories and Approaches to Mathematics Learning and Teaching 1 4 3 7 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
2 43112 Professional Practice 1 1 0 0 90 3 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
3 Блок 1 Elective Courses 1 1 2 2 6
1 43113 Scientific Research Methodology Elective Vocational-applicative
2 43114 Methodology of Teaching Computer Science and Mathematics Elective Vocational-applicative
4 Блок 2 Elective Courses 2 1 2 2 6
3 43115 Selected Chapters in Operations Research Elective Vocational-applicative
4 43116 Selected Chapters in Mathematical Modelling Elective Vocational-applicative
5 43121 The Theory of Measure and Integration 2 4 3 8 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
43122 Professional Practice 2 2 0 0 90 3 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
6 Блок 3 Elective Courses 3 2 2 2 6
1 43123 Theory of The Generalised Inverse Elective Scientific-Vocational
2 43124 Fixed Point Theory Elective Scientific-Vocational
7 Блок 4 Elective Courses 4 2 2 2 6
3 43125 Selected Chapters in Geometry Elective Scientific-Vocational
4 43126 Selected Chapters in Probability and Statistics Elective Scientific-Vocational
8 43127 Student Research Work 2 9 5 Compulsory Theoretical-Methodological
9 43128 Master’s Thesis 2 2 60 8 Compulsory /Elective Theoretical-Methodological
43129 Master’s Thesis Writing and Defense 2 1 2 Compulsory /Elective Vocational-applicative
Total number of classes (L, E, OFT, SRW): 16 14 12 240 60
Total number of classes (L, E, OFT, SRW) and other classes: 16 14 12 240 60
Total number of classes: 42
Total number of classes, other classes and ECTS in all years of study: 42 240 60

The study program Master's academic studies of Mathematics aims at educating students in theoretical and applied mathematics and acquiring applied knowledge in this field.

The goal of the program is to enable students to: use scientific and professional literature; to conduct or participate in research and to publish original scientific and /professional papers; to participate in scientific gatherings, symposia, conferences, congresses and similar forms of exchange of scientific thoughts, knowledge and experiences.

Through a group of theoretical mathematics subjects, the students become acquainted with classical mathematical theories in a contemporary way, as well as with current trends in mathematics. In addition to the acquired knowledge, the program ensures that the students develop the ability of abstraction and logical thinking. The quality of education is ensured by the fact that it is performed by professors with commendable scientific reputation, who participate several domestic and international scientific research projects.

Through attending pedagogical and didactics courses, the students are being prepared to work in primary and secondary schools, both for regular programs and for additional classes.

Knowledge of mathematics acquired during these studies, enables them to adequately apply modern software in mathematics, as well as communicate and present mathematical content in an effective way.

The goals of the study program are:

  • Preparation for further improvement and scientific growth;
  • Enabling students to connect the knowledge within the domain of mathematics and to apply it;
  • Preparing students for working in education;
  • Enabling students to use professional literature and modern information and communication technologies for acquiring new knowledge, i.e. for further independent professional development
  • Raising awareness about the necessity of permanent education, the development of the society as a whole and environmental protection;

The students who graduate this study program will acquire the following skills:

  • logical reasoning, formulating hypotheses, drawing conclusions;
  • professional communication and communication within a team;
  • further professional advancement;
  • keeping up with and understanding the contemporary trends within their profession and their social environment;
  • applying theoretical knowledge in practice;
  • ability to establish a critical/self-critical approach;
  • presenting work/research results;
  • professional ethics.

Upon finishing this program of study, the students will acquire the following subject-specific skills:

  • a thorough knowledge and understanding of mathematical disciplines;
  • the ability to see connections between various mathematical disciplines and between mathematical disciplines and other sciences;
  • the ability to transfer knowledge about mathematics and its disciplines effectively through using contemporary teaching methods;
  • ability to monitor and apply scientific and professional innovations;
  • ability to use professional literature and modern information and communication technologies for acquiring new knowledge, i.e. for further independent professional development;
  • ability for further professional and academic growth.

The study program of Mathematics, Master’s studies, contains all the basic elements relevant for the field of mathematics, and as such, it is performed at almost all higher education institutions of this type in the world.

Nearly all the elements of the study program, such as the academic title, duration of studies, ECTS, courses names and content, exams, learning outcomes and teacher competencies are in accordance with those in most European higher education institutions.

Furthermore, the curriculum of this program is influenced by the positive experience of those institutions which have successfully implemented the Bologna reform, working in the domain of higher education in mathematics.

To achieve this compatibility with the corresponding study programs in Europe, a detailed analysis and comparison was performed. The compatibility is made possible by maintaining the enrollment requirements as well as the structure and the content of the program. The quality, contemporary character and the compliance of this study program with corresponding international study programs implemented at foreign higher education institutions is evident.

Comparing study programs based on the representation of certain main groups of subjects shows a significant degree of their harmonization, while certain minimal deviations are present among elective subjects. In addition, many subjects among the comparable study programs are similar in content, while their names differ to an extent.

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