Mathematics - Undergraduate Studies

The objectives of the study program include:

  • enabling students to perform practical work in jobs that require knowledge in the field of mathematical sciences;
  • students gaining knowledge in the field of mathematical sciences, and being able to connect and apply them;
  • the students understand how to apply modern ICT for solving certain problems in practice;
  • that the student has understood modern trends in the field of mathematics and is able to use professional literature and modern information and communication technologies in acquiring knowledge in the field of mathematical sciences and related fields, i.e. for further self-improvement;
  • preparation for further education;
  • developing students' awareness of the necessity of permanent education.

The aforementioned goals are achieved through:

  • becoming acquainted with the basic mathematical problems necessary for establishing the basis of various mathematical disciplines;
  • getting acquainted with the basic fields of mathematical and computer sciences, their roles and relationship, as well as the basic objects, concepts and methods studied within these fields;
  • developing the ability to understand and formulate problems, modeling systems in order to solve practical problems;
  • developing the ability to learn new models, techniques and technologies;
  • grasping the content offered within academic and general education subjects;
  • encouraging communication and teamwork.

The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Priština, temporarily settled in Kosovska Mitrovica, has defined the basic tasks and goals within the Quality Assurance Strategy. The goals of the study program directed towards acquiring academic, professional and creative skills are in line with the requirements of the time, the labor market, as well as the basic educational tasks and objectives at the University of Priština - Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics.

Greater efficacy of studying is ensured by making all courses last one semester, and by creating a dynamic system for monitoring and measuring the students’ progress. This was, depending on the course, the students can obtain 30-70% of course points by fulfilling their tasks and course assignments (exercises, seminar papers, term test, fieldwork, etc.).

The role of students in achieving the goals of the study program is varied. The organization of the curriculum allows students to independently create their educational profile not only through the choice of elective courses but also through involvement in the internal evaluation of the program, teacher quality and teaching process, thus initiating changes in the study program and teaching methods.

A table of courses listed according to the semester/year of study for Undergraduate Studies, Mathematics 2020

No Course Code Course Name Sem. Number of Classes Other ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course Type
1 43111 Mathematical Analysis 1 1 3 3 8 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
2 43112 Linear Algebra 1 3 3 7 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
3 43113 Basic Computer Skills 1 3 3 7 Compulsory Academic-general education
4 Блок 1 Elective Courses 1 1 2 2 7
1 43114 Elementary Mathematics Elective Academic-general education
2 43115 Fundamentals of Physics Elective Academic-general education
5 43121 Mathematical Analysis 2 2 3 3 8 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
6 43122 Algebra 1 2 3 3 7 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
7 43123 Descriptive Geometry 2 2 2 4 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
8 43124 Analytical Geometry 2 2 2 5 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
9 Блок 2 Elective Courses 2 2 2 2 7
3 43125 Financial Mathematics Elective Academic-general education
4 43126 Basics of Combinatorics Elective Theoretical-Methodological
Total number of classes (L, E, OFT, SRW): 23 23    60
Total number of classes: 46
10 43231 Mathematical Analysis 3 3 3 3 7 7 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
11 43232 Discrete Mathematics 3 3 3 7 7 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
12 43233 Basics of Geometry 3 2 2 6 6 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
13 43234 Algebra 2 3 3 3 6 6 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
14 Блок 3 Elective Courses 3 3 1 1 4 4
5 43235 English Language 1 Elective Academic-general education
6 43236 Russian Language 1 Elective Academic-general education
15 43241 Mathematical Analysis 4 4 3 3 7 7 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
16 43242 Algorithms and Data Structures 4 2 3 7 7 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
17 43243 Psychology 4 3 2 8 8 Compulsory Theoretical-Methodological
18 43244 Linear Programming 4 2 2 4 4 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
19 Блок 4 Elective Courses 4 4 1 1 4 4
7 43245 English Language 2 Elective Academic-general education
8 43246 Russian Language 2 Elective Academic-general education
Total number of classes (L, E, OFT, SRW): 23 23    60
Total number of classes: 46
20 43351 Real Analysis 5 2 2 4 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
21 43352 Object Oriented Programming 5 2 3 7 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
22 43353 Pedagogy 5 3 2 8 Compulsory Theoretical-Methodological
23 43354 Ordinary Differential Equations 5 2 2 4 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
24 Блок 5 Elective Courses 5 5 1 2 6
9 43355 History of Mathematics Elective Academic-general education
10 43356 Non-Euclidean Geometries Elective Scientific-Vocational
25 43361 Introduction to Differential Geometry 6 2 2 4 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
26 43362 Numerical Analysis 6 3 3 7 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
27 43363 Complex Analysis 6 3 3 6 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
28 43364 Mathematics Teaching Methodology 1 6 2 2 7 Compulsory Theoretical-Methodological
29 Блок 6 Elective Courses 6 6 2 2 7
11 43365 Mathematical Software Elective Vocational-applicative
12 43366 Databases Elective Vocational-applicative
Total number of classes (L, E, OFT, SRW): 22 23    60
Total number of classes: 45
30 43471 Introduction to Probability Theory 7 2 2 5 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
31 43472 Partial Equations 7 3 3 5 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
32 43473 Mathematics Teaching Methodology 2 7 2 2 7 Compulsory Theoretical-Methodological
33 43474 Mathematical Modelling 7 2 2 4 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
34 43475 Professional Practice 1 7 0 0 90 3 Compulsory Theoretical-Methodological
35 Блок 7 Elective Courses 7 7 2 2 7
13 43476 Numerical Methods Elective Vocational-applicative
14 43477 Nonlinear Optimization Elective Vocational-applicative
36 43481 Mathematical Statistics 8 2 2 5 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
37 43482 Functional Analysis 8 3 3 6 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
38 43483 Topology 8 3 2 5 Compulsory Scientific-Vocational
39 43484 Professional Practice 2 0 0 90 3 Compulsory Theoretical-Methodological
40 Блок 8 Elective Courses 8 8 2 2 6
15 43485 Information and Communication Technologies in Education Elective Theoretical-Methodological
16 43486 Integral Equations Elective Scientific-Vocational
41 43487 Final Thesis 8 0 0 15 3 Compulsory/elective Vocational-applicative
43487 Final Thesis Writing and Defense 8 0 0 1 Compulsory/elective Academic-general education
Total number of classes (L, E, OFT, SRW): 21 20    195 60
Total number of classes: 41
Total number of classes, other classes and ECTS in all years of study: 178 195 240

The objectives of the study program include:

  • enabling students to perform practical work in jobs that require knowledge in the field of mathematical sciences;
  • students gaining knowledge in the field of mathematical sciences, and being able to connect and apply them;
  • the students understand how to apply modern ICT for solving certain problems in practice;
  • that the student has understood modern trends in the field of mathematics and is able to use professional literature and modern information and communication technologies in acquiring knowledge in the field of mathematical sciences and related fields, i.e. for further self-improvement;
  • preparation for further education;
  • developing students' awareness of the necessity of permanent education.

The aforementioned goals are achieved through:

  • becoming acquainted with the basic mathematical problems necessary for establishing the basis of various mathematical disciplines;
  • getting acquainted with the basic fields of mathematical and computer sciences, their roles and relationship, as well as the basic objects, concepts and methods studied within these fields;
  • developing the ability to understand and formulate problems, modeling systems in order to solve practical problems;
  • developing the ability to learn new models, techniques and technologies;
  • grasping the content offered within academic and general education subjects;
  • encouraging communication and teamwork.

The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Priština, temporarily settled in Kosovska Mitrovica, has defined the basic tasks and goals within the Quality Assurance Strategy. The goals of the study program directed towards acquiring academic, professional and creative skills are in line with the requirements of the time, the labor market, as well as the basic educational tasks and objectives at the University of Priština - Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics.

Greater efficacy of studying is ensured by making all courses last one semester, and by creating a dynamic system for monitoring and measuring the students’ progress. This was, depending on the course, the students can obtain 30-70% of course points by fulfilling their tasks and course assignments (exercises, seminar papers, term test, fieldwork, etc.).

The role of students in achieving the goals of the study program is varied. The organization of the curriculum allows students to independently create their educational profile not only through the choice of elective courses but also through involvement in the internal evaluation of the program, teacher quality and teaching process, thus initiating changes in the study program and teaching methods.

The students who graduate the study program of Mathematics will acquire the following skills:

  • logical reasoning, formulating hypotheses, drawing conclusions in a structured manner;
  • professional communication and communication within a team;
  • further professional advancement;
  • keeping up with and understanding the contemporary trends within their profession and their social environment;
  • applying theoretical knowledge in practice;
  • ability to establish a critical/self-critical approach;
  • presenting work/research results;
  • professional ethics.

Upon finishing this program of study, the students will acquire the following subject-specific skills:

  • knowledge and understanding of the main fields of mathematical sciences;
  • knowing about, understanding and being able to apply modern ICT;
  • ability to link different mathematical and computer science disciplines;
  • ability to apply their knowledge in practice;
  • developed habits for monitoring, being informed about and applying innovations within their profession;
  • ability to use professional literature and modern information and communication technologies for acquiring new knowledge, i.e. for further independent professional development;
  • ability to analyze and assess the results of one's own and others' work;
  • ability to continue their education through master's and doctoral studies.

The aforementioned competencies stem from the expected outcomes of the study program, according to which the graduates would acquire creative abilities that would qualify them for employment. This is a set of skills that the average student should possess, know and be able to demonstrate.

The study program of Mathematics, undergraduate studies, contains all the basic elements relevant for the field of mathematics, and as such, it is performed at almost all higher education institutions of this type in the world.

Nearly all the elements of the study program, such as the academic title, duration of studies, ECTS, courses names and content, exams, learning outcomes and teacher competencies are in accordance with those in most European higher education institutions.

Furthermore, the curriculum of this program is influenced by the positive experience of those institutions which have successfully implemented the Bologna reform, working in the domain of higher education in mathematics.

To achieve this compatibility with the corresponding study programs in Europe, a detailed analysis and comparison was performed. The compatibility is made possible by maintaining the enrollment requirements as well as the structure and the content of the program. The quality, contemporary character and the compliance of this study program with corresponding international study programs implemented at foreign higher education institutions is evident.

Comparing study programs based on the representation of certain main groups of subjects shows a significant degree of their harmonization, while certain minimal deviations are present among elective subjects. In addition, many subjects among the comparable study programs are similar in content, while their names differ to an extent.

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