Department of Informatics

The subject of scientific research work of the Department of Informatics includes some of the most popular ongoing topics in the field of computing. We are working on the development and implementation of methods and modern tools used for the design and implementation of computer systems. Methods and tools for hardware analysis and design are included. Software analysisand design tools include operating systems, editors, compilers, language processors, debuggers.

Research and development in the field of Information Systems and Technologies. As an area going through expansion, information systems andtechnologies are today both a subject of great interest and research. Research, analysis and improvement of information systems is achieved by applying modern technologies for the development of web applications (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP), client and server systems and business software. Apart from researching, we endeavor to design, implement and develop our own software and tools. As a result of one such research, an information system was created,which is currently used by our Faculty Student Services.

Research in the field of Network and System Security and Information Theory. Security policy and protection mechanisms, risk analysis, cryptographic protection methods, symmetric and asymmetric encryption, intrusion detection networks are investigated. Network and server security testing is performed in a controlled laboratory environment, as well as the attacks. Application of protection measures on different layers of TCP / IP. The entire research and testing is performed in the premises of our computer center. Communication systems are also a subject of research, as are mathematical tools used in the quantitative determination of the amount of information sources, information transmitted through the channel and the capacity of the continuous and discrete telecommunications channel. The result of this research is full control and functionality of our faculty server and the computer network that operates within. ...

Research and development of new algorithms for secure and channel coding of various sources of digital information, research and development of new genetic algorithms, research and development of new algorithms to increase information capacity and reliability of modern transmission systems using adaptive techniques. Research and development of these algorithms multiplies the performance and security of modern systems that serve to transmit data and information, which is of key importance, given that we live in an era of high standard technology. Research, development and application of these algorithms represent a step forward and significant progress both forpresent technologies and forthose that are yet to come....

Participation in the Realization of Teaching

No Course Code Course Name Sem. Lectures Practical classes ECTS
1 51111 Linear Algebra 1 3 3 7
2 51112 Basics of Computer Technics 1 3 3 7
3 51113 Physics for Information Science 1 2 2 6
4 51114 English language 1 1 1 1 4
5 51115 Analytic Geometry 1 2 2 6
6 51121 English language 2 2 1 1 4
7 51122 Mathematical Analysis 2 2 2 6
8 51123 Algorithms and Data Structures 2 2 3 7
9 51124 Electronics for Information Technology 2 2 2 6
10 51125 Organization and Architecture of Digital Computers 2 3 2 7
Total number of classes 21 21
Total ECTS credits 60
11 51211 Discrete structures 3 3 3 7
12 51212 Object-oriented programming 3 2 3 7
13 51213 English language 3 3 1 1 4
14 51214 Probability and Statistics 3 3 3 7
15 Блок 1 Изборни блок 1 3
1 51216 Introduction to Web and Internet Technologies 3 3 7
2 51217 Web applications development 3 3 7
16 51221 Communication and public relations 4 2 2 6
17 Блок 2 Изборни блок 2 4
3 51222 Computer Networks 4 3 10
4 51223 Operating systems security 4 3 10
18 51224 English language 4 4 1 1 4
19 51225 Numerical analysis 4 3 3 7
Total number of classes 22 22
Total ECTS credits 60
20 51311 Pedagogy 5 3 3 8
21 51312 Databases 5 2 3 7
22 Блок 3 Изборни блок 3 5
5 51313 eGovernment 3 3 8
6 51314 Distance learning 3 3 8
23 51321 Computer Graphics and Design 5 2 2 6
24 51322 Methodology of teaching informatics 6 4 3 10
25 51323 Operating systems 6 2 2 6
26 51324 Multimedia Systems in Informatics 6 2 3 7
27 51325 Psychology 6 3 3 8
Total number of classes 21 22
Total ECTS credits 60
28 51411 Computational tools 7 3 3 6
29 51422 Information theory and Protective Coding 7 3 3 6
30 Блок 4 Изборни блок 4 7
7 51413 Electronic Business 4 4 10
8 51414 Operational Research 4 4 10
31 51421 Software Engineering 8 3 3 6
32 Блок 5 Изборни блок 5 8
9 51422 Web Development 4 4 10
10 51423 Basics of Artificial Intelligence 4 4 10
33 51424 User-interface Design 8 3 3 6
34 51425 Professional Practice 8 6
35 51426 Graduate Thesis 8 10
Total number of classes 20 20
Total ECTS credits 60

No Course Code Course Name Sem. Course Type Course Status Number of Classes Other Classes ECTS
1. 53111 Mobile Computing 1 ТМ Compul. 3 3 7
2. 53112 Higher Order Programming Languages 1 ТМ Compul. 4 4 8
3. ECG1 Elective Courses Group 1 1 SV/VA Elec. 3 3 8
4. 53211 Tools and Technologies for E-learning 2 SV Compul. 3 2 7
5. ECG2 Elective Courses Group 2 2 НС/AGE Elec. 3 3 8
6. 53214 Student Research Work 2 VA Compul.    12 12
7. 53215 Master’s Thesis 2    10
Total number of classes (L, E, OFT, SRW): 15 13 12 60
Total number of classes = 40
Total number of classes during studies= 40
Total ECTS 60

Faculty members in the Department of Informatics


Full Professor

Negovan M. Stamenković
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Full Professor

Milan S. Savić
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Full Professor

Stefan R. Panić
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Associate Professor

Aleksandar V. Marković
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Associate Professor

Nebojša M. Denić
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Associate Professor

Danijel B. Đošić
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Associate Professor

Časlav M. Stefanović
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Assistant Professor

Marko M. Smilić
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Teaching Assistant

Milan J. Dejanović
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Teaching Assistant

Milan Z. Dubljanin
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Teaching Associate

Sanja D. Đurović
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Teaching Associate

Milija Lj. Pavlović
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