Informatics - Master Studies

The goal of Master’s Studies in Informatics is to educate IT staff who can easily find their place in the complex mosaic of the third wave era and the Information Age.

The goals of the Informatics, Master’s Study Program are:

  • preparation for further education through doctoral studies.
  • training students to participate in software development as well as to solve non-standard problems in their domain.
  • enabling students to follow modern trends within the IT domain and preparing them for further independent training using professional literature and modern information and communication technologies.
  • preparing students to work as computer science teachers in primary and secondary schools, develop logical thinking, adapt to new situations and apply theoretical knowledge in practice.
  • helping students to adopt complex mathematical principles as the basis of modern informatics which would allow them to contribute to the study of informatics.

The objectives above are obtained through:

  • developing the ability to formulate and understand problems and computer-aided modelling of systems in order to solve these problems;
  • developing the ability to learn and develop new models, techniques and technologies;
  • encouraging communication and teamwork.
  • introduction to the basic directions of IT development, interdisciplinarity of development, as well as basic concepts and methods that are applied;

The Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Priština, temporarily settled in Kosovska Mitrovica, has defined the basic tasks and goals within the Quality Assurance Strategy. The purposes of the study program are fully harmonized. They are in line with the demands of the labour market (knowledge), and with the main tasks and goals of education at the University of Priština - Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics.

Greater efficiency of the study process is achieved through a dynamic student progress system, and by the duration of courses, all of which last one semester, so that, depending on the course, up to 30-70% of results can be obtained by completing pre-exam course assignments (exercises, term papers, term tests, fieldwork, etc.).

Students have various roles in achieving the goals of the study program. The structure and organisation of the curriculum allows the students to independently create their educational profiles not only through the choice of elective courses but also through evaluation of the program, the teachers and the teaching process. This way, the students can initiate change in the teaching methods and the study program itself.

Accreditation certificate for Master Studies 2017

A table of courses listed according to the semester/year of study for Master’s Studies, Informatics 2017

No Course Code Course Name Sem. Course Type Course Status Number of Classes Other Classes ECTS
1. 53111 Mobile Computing 1 ТМ Compul. 3 3 7
2. 53112 Higher Order Programming Languages 1 ТМ Compul. 4 4 8
3. ECG1 Elective Courses Group 1 1 SV/VA Elec. 3 3 8
4. 53211 Tools and Technologies for E-learning 2 SV Compul. 3 2 7
5. ECG2 Elective Courses Group 2 2 НС/AGE Elec. 3 3 8
6. 53214 Student Research Work 2 VA Compul.    12 12
7. 53215 Master’s Thesis 2    10
Total number of classes (L, E, OFT, SRW): 15 13 12 60
Total number of classes = 40
Total number of classes during studies= 40
Total ECTS 60

The goal of Master’s Studies in Informatics is to educate IT staff who can easily find their place in the complex mosaic of the third wave era and the Information Age.

The goals of the Informatics, Master’s Study Program are:

  • preparation for further education through doctoral studies.
  • training students to participate in software development as well as to solve non-standard problems in their domain.
  • enabling students to follow modern trends within the IT domain and preparing them for further independent training using professional literature and modern information and communication technologies.
  • preparing students to work as computer science teachers in primary and secondary schools, develop logical thinking, adapt to new situations and apply theoretical knowledge in practice.
  • helping students to adopt complex mathematical principles as the basis of modern informatics which would allow them to contribute to the study of informatics.

The objectives above are obtained through:

  • developing the ability to formulate and understand problems and computer-aided modelling of systems in order to solve these problems;
  • developing the ability to learn and develop new models, techniques and technologies;
  • encouraging communication and teamwork.
  • introduction to the basic directions of IT development, interdisciplinarity of development, as well as basic concepts and methods that are applied;

The Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Priština, temporarily settled in Kosovska Mitrovica, has defined the basic tasks and goals within the Quality Assurance Strategy. The purposes of the study program are fully harmonized. They are in line with the demands of the labour market (knowledge), and with the main tasks and goals of education at the University of Priština - Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics.

Greater efficiency of the study process is achieved through a dynamic student progress system, and by the duration of courses, all of which last one semester, so that, depending on the course, up to 30-70% of results can be obtained by completing pre-exam course assignments (exercises, term papers, term tests, fieldwork, etc.).

Students have various roles in achieving the goals of the study program. The structure and organisation of the curriculum allows the students to independently create their educational profiles not only through the choice of elective courses but also through evaluation of the program, the teachers and the teaching process. This way, the students can initiate change in the teaching methods and the study program itself.

Upon completing the study program, students acquire the following skills:

  • ability to think logically, form hypotheses, and draw one's own conclusions.
  • ability to master the methods, procedures and processes of professional communication research and teamwork;
  • ability to analyze, synthesize and predict solutions and results;
  • ability for professional advancement;
  • ability to follow and understand contemporary trends, both in the professional and social environment;
  • ability to apply their knowledge;
  • ability to think critically and self-critically;
  • ability to present the results of their work;
  • adhering to professional ethics.

By mastering the study program, the student acquires the following general and subject-specific abilities:

  • thorough knowledge and understanding of computer sciences;
  • ability to apply the knowledge of modern information technologies;
  • solving concrete problems using scientific methods and procedures;
  • understanding modern trends in the field of informatics;
  • ability to link knowledge about different areas of computer sciences and its application;
  • ability to apply the acquired knowledge in solving practical problems;
  • ability to follow innovations and apply them in the profession;
  • ability to use professional literature and modern information and communication technologies in grasping the knowledge of the relevant field.
  • ability to analyze and assess the results of their and others’ work;

The competencies listed above outline the expected outcomes of the study program, which include the graduates acquiring a university education as well as a range of skills needed for employment, i.e. a set of skills that the average student should possess and demonstrate.

Throughout the studies, special attention is paid to acquiring the latest knowledge regarding information technology with the aim of solving complex problems from related to various areas of life and work.

The curriculum of the study program of Informatics, Master’s Studies, contains all elements relevant in the domain of informatics and closely resembles the curricula of higher education institutions worldwide.

Furthermore, the curriculum of the study program of Informatics is influenced by the positive experience of those institutions which have successfully implemented the Bologna reform, working in the domain of higher education in informatics.

All elements of the study program, such as the academic title, duration of studies, ECTS, courses names and content, exams, learning outcomes and teacher competencies are in accordance with most European higher education institutions.

To achieve this compatibility with the corresponding study programs in Europe, a detailed analysis and comparison was performed. The compatibility is made possible by maintaining the enrollment requirements as well as the structure and the content of the program. The quality, contemporary character and the compliance of this study program with corresponding international study programs implemented at foreign higher education institutions is evident.

A comparison of the programs according to individual main groups of subjects shows a significant degree of harmonization, while minimal deviations can be found among elective subject groups. Additionally, many subjects of the proposed and comparable study programs have similar contents, but their names differ to an extent.

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