Biology - Master Studies

The objectives of the master's study program in biology include:

  • educating students to provide them with a complete academic education in biology;
  • expanding knowledge of biological sciences acquired during bachelor studies;
  • a more detailed acquaintance with the structure and function of the living world;
  • providing theoretical and practical knowledge about organisms and life processes in them;
  • acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge about biochemical and physiological processes in living organisms;
  • understanding the mutual relations between living beings and the external environment;
  • deepening the students' understanding of the evolutionary changes on our planet;
  • studying the biodiversity of flora and fauna in more detail;
  • educating students on pollution and environmental protection and providing practical knowledge in this area;
  • forming awareness among students about the possibility of applying biological knowledge in other areas of human activity (medicine, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, agriculture, economics etc.);
  • education in the function of mastering the techniques and methodology of scientific research work;
  • motivating students for independent research work in terms of studying various life processes with modern experimental biological methods and laboratory research;
  • enabling students to use professional literature independently, publish original scientific papers both independently and as a team, participate in meetings, conferences, congresses and other forms of exchange of scientific thought, knowledge and experience;
  • gathering faculty staff that will contribute to the further development of science and education of the population by applying scientific methodology;
  • training for independent and team scientific research work;
  • providing the key expertise necessary in this area.

On the one hand, the program enables the deepening of knowledge in human genetics, pollution and environmental protection through offering high-quality courses in these areas, whereas on the other hand, it allows students to make choices when it comes to elective courses.

In consequence, a balance between theory and practice is obtained. By writing and researching for the term papers, students gain the ability to the papers and research within the field of biological science.

A table of courses listed according to the semester/year of study for Master’s Studies, Biology 2021

No Course Code Course Name Sem. Number of Classes Other ECTS Compulsory/Elective Course type
1 B2111 Special ecotoxicology 1 2 2 6 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
2 B2112 Biology of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems Pollution 1 2 1 1 5 Compulsory Scientific-vocational
3 B2113 Diversity of Vertebrate Fauna 1 2 1 1 5 Compulsory Scientific-vocational
4 B2114 Human and Medical Genetics 1 2 2 5 Compulsory Theoretical-methodological
5 Group 1 Elective courses group 1 1 3 2 1 8
1 B2115 Animal and Human Endocrinology Elective Scientific-vocational
2 B2116 Balkan peninsula endemic flora Elective Vocational-applicative
6 B2121 Genes and animal development 2 3 2 5 Compulsory Scientific-vocational
7 B2122 Scientific-research work methodology 2 4 2 5 Compulsory Theoretical-methodological
8 Group 2 Elective courses group 2 2 3 3 8
1 B2124 Mutagenic and Terratogenic effects Elective Theoretical-methodological
2 B2125 Mechanisms of ecological adaptations in plants Elective Теоријско-методолошки
9 Group 3 Elective courses group 3 2 0 0 3 Elective Vocational-applicative
1 B2129 Pedagogical practice Elective Vocational-applicative
2 B2126 Professional practice Elective Vocational-applicative
11 B2127 Student Research Work 2 0 0 4 4 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
12 B2128 Thesis Writing and Defense 2 3 6 Compulsory Vocational-applicative
Total number of classes (L, E, OFT, SRW): 21 15 3 7 90
Total number of classes: 46

The objectives of the master's study program in biology include:

  • educating students to provide them with a complete academic education in biology;
  • expanding knowledge of biological sciences acquired during bachelor studies;
  • a more detailed acquaintance with the structure and function of the living world;
  • providing theoretical and practical knowledge about organisms and life processes in them;
  • acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge about biochemical and physiological processes in living organisms;
  • understanding the mutual relations between living beings and the external environment;
  • deepening the students' understanding of the evolutionary changes on our planet;
  • studying the biodiversity of flora and fauna in more detail;
  • educating students on pollution and environmental protection and providing practical knowledge in this area;
  • forming awareness among students about the possibility of applying biological knowledge in other areas of human activity (medicine, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, agriculture, economics etc.);
  • education in the function of mastering the techniques and methodology of scientific research work;
  • motivating students for independent research work in terms of studying various life processes with modern experimental biological methods and laboratory research;
  • enabling students to use professional literature independently, publish original scientific papers both independently and as a team, participate in meetings, conferences, congresses and other forms of exchange of scientific thought, knowledge and experience;
  • gathering faculty staff that will contribute to the further development of science and education of the population by applying scientific methodology;
  • training for independent and team scientific research work;
  • providing the key expertise necessary in this area.

On the one hand, the program enables the deepening of knowledge in human genetics, pollution and environmental protection through offering high-quality courses in these areas, whereas on the other hand, it allows students to make choices when it comes to elective courses.

In consequence, a balance between theory and practice is obtained. By writing and researching for the term papers, students gain the ability to the papers and research within the field of biological science.

The structure of the study program of master's academic studies in biology ensures that academic biological education is continuously improved through the teaching contents of a group of subjects.

Acquired competencies and skills at this level of study represent a set of fundamental knowledge for further education in doctoral studies in biological and related profiles.

Upon completion of the study program, the graduates acquire the knowledge, skills and views necessary for managing and performing work in the field of biology, ecology and environmental protection.

The competencies of the graduates include the ability to think critically and adequately analyze problems in order to find the necessary solution, the ability to lead and professionally present their work, expanding professional ethics, as well as the daily application of acquired knowledge in practice.

Upon completion of the study program, the student can perform the following jobs:

  • scientific research and professional work within the fields of various biological disciplines;
  • scientific research and professional work at institutes for nature and environmental protection;
  • primary and secondary school teacher;
  • teaching associate at faculties and scientific research institutions, lecturer at faculty of professional studies;
  • working in professional, developmental and pedagogical-supervisory services and administrative bodies;
  • expert associate in various industrial plants;
  • working at state administration (ministries, municipalities), inspection services and research centers of various national, private and public companies.

Upon completion of the study program, the student acquires both the general and subject-specific abilities related to biological sciences, pollution, environmental protection and development, which allow them to perform professional and scientific activities at a high level.

Upon completion of the study program, the student acquires the following abilities:

  • knowledge and understanding of all areas of biological science;
  • linking facts from different fields of biological and other natural sciences;
  • using professional literature and modern information and communication technologies to acquire knowledge in the field of biology and related fields, ie. for further independent professional development;
  • applying the acquired knowledge in solving practical problems;
  • modern monitoring and application of innovations in the profession;
  • further improvement and education during doctoral studies;
  • to successfully transfer knowledge and raise ecological awareness towards the environment under the principles of sustainable development within all domains of future work.

The competencies listed above outline the expected outcomes of the study program, which include the graduates acquiring a university education as well as a range of skills needed for employment, i.e. a set of skills that the average student should possess and demonstrate.

The outcomes of the learning process are:

  • detailed university knowledge in the field of biological sciences;
  • expertise for performing work related to systems in nature and living organisms, at scientific, professional and educational institutions;
  • ability to set, understand and solve complex problems, principles and theories in a creative manner;
  • ability to apply the acquired knowledge on order to solve specific problems;
  • ability to successfully plan and perform experiments with the application of appropriate scientific methods;
  • ability to work both independently and as part of a team;
  • ability for independent writing and publication of scientific papers;
  • ability to continue education at doctoral studies;
  • training for laboratory work using the equipment and devices of a higher complexity level as well as for conducting applicable research
  • within the field of biology, environmental protection and other areas.

The study program of Biology, Master’s Studies (second degree study) of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Kosovska Mitrovica is characterized by quality and contains all the necessary elements of a curriculum relevant in the field of biological sciences. The faculty has developed this study program with regard to the demand for biology experts, especially within the domain of pollution and environmental protection, and in accordance with modern trends in science and the state of the environment.

The study program of Biology, Master's Academic Studies, is in line with contemporary global trends and the state of science in the domain of mathematics and natural sciences, and is comparable to similar programs in foreign higher education institutions, especially within the European educational area.

The study program has been reformed and is harmonized with the principles of the European system of studies, defined in the framework of the Bologna Process.

The curriculum of the master’s studies is in line with the curriculum of the bachelor studies, representing its logical continuation.

The study program is comprehensive and is in line with other programs of higher education institutions, nation-wide and worldwide. All segments of the study program, such as the academic title, duration of studies, ECTS, names and contents of offered courses, exams, learning outcomes and teacher competencies are regulated partly through comparison with the curricula of several domestic and international higher education institutions that have implemented the Bologna reform.

The University of Prishtina has an established cooperation with numerous foreign universities, providing its students and teachers the opportunity to exchange knowledge and follow international trends through cooperation with colleagues from other fields at the University.

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