Basic info: Jovana S. Milojević


Bachelor studies

2016-2020, Faculty of Science, University of Pristina with temporary headquarters in Kosovska Mitrovica

Postgraduate studies/Master studies

2020-2021, Faculty of Science, University of Pristina with temporary headquarters in Kosovska Mitrovica

PhD studies

2021-/ Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Pristina with temporary headquarters in Kosovska Mitrovica

Short professional biography

In 2022, she was elected to the position of assistant at the Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Science, University of Prishtina with temporary headquarters in Kosovska Mitrovica, for the narrower scientific field of Analytical and Physical Chemistry.

Jovana S. Milojević

Teaching Assistant
Department of Chemistry
Mail address:



1. Ružica Micić, Dragan Manojlović, Igor Kodranov, Jovana Acković , Toxic Metals in Soil Samples Near Source оf Pollution with Ecological Risk in Northern Kosovo And Metohija, The first international conference on sustainable environment and technologies “Create sustainable community”, Belgrade, 24-25 september 2021.

2. Jovana Acković, Zoran Nedić, Tamara Petrović, Ružica Micić, Synthesis of zinc doped phosphate tungsten bronzes and its redox activity in aqueous solution of LiNO3 , COIN2022 –Contemporary Batteries and Supercapacitors, International Symposium Belgrade, 1-2 june, 2022:30.

3. Ружица Мицић, Драган Манојловић, Игор Кодранов, Јована Ацковић, Александар Арсенијевић, Живана Радосављевић, Садржај и дистрибуција тешких метала у реци Ибар током поплава и изливања јаловишта, 57. Саветовање српског хемијског друштва, Крагујевац, јун, 2021.

4. Јована Ацковић, Зоран Недић, Ружица Мицић, Добијање и карактеризација фосфатволфрамове бронзе допиране гвожђем из хетеропилисоли као прекурсора, 58. Саветовање српског хемијског друштва, Београд, јун 2022: 158.

5. Jovana Acković, Ružica Micić, Zoran Nedić, Physical-chemical Characterization of Phosphatetungsten Bronze Doped With Iron From Heteropoly Salts as Precursors, The second international conference on sustainable environment and technologies “Creating sustainable community”, Belgrade, 23-24 september 2022.

6. Jovana Acković, Ružica Micić, Zoran Nedić, Tamara Petrović, Physicochemical characterization of Zn doped phosphorus tungsten bronzes ZnPWB, 2ND International Conference on Advances Production And Processing – ICAPP, Novi Sad, 20-22 October, 2022.

Other information



Area of interest

Analytical and physical chemistry. Analysis of inorganic and organic environmental pollutants. Modern methods of analysis of metal ions. Characterization of new materials in the field of physical-chemical tests and their application in analytical chemistry and related fields.



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