Basic info: Ružica J. Micić


Bachelor studies

1994. Faculty of Sciences and mathematics, University of Pristina

Postgraduate studies/Master studies

2006. Faculty of Sciences and mathematics, University of Niš

PhD studies

2009. Faculty of Sciences and mathematics, University of Niš

Short professional biography

Dr Ružica J. Micić, born Dimitrijević was born on March 12, 1972. Married, mother of one child. She graduated from the Faculty of Science, University of Prishtina, in 1994. with an average grade of 9.04. She defended her master's thesis entitled: "Kinetic determination of traces of Th (IV), V (V), Mo (VI) and W (VI) ions in solution" at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Nis, 2006, at the Department of analytical chemistry. She defended her doctoral dissertation entitled: "Kinetic analysis of ion traces in real samples" at the Faculty of Science, University of Nis, in 2009.

Since 1995, she has been employed at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Pristina at the Department of Chemistry, where she teaches at all levels of studies in a group of subjects in the field of analytical and physical chemistry. Mentor and member of the commission for the defense of several final theses in undergraduate, master's and doctoral studies. Reviewer of number of  papers in prominent scientific international journals, manuscripts of university textbooks, president and member of the Commission for Election to Teaching and Scientific Titles. Participant in the implementation of projects of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia:

"Development of new analytical methods and their application for determining the content of heavy metals in various environmental samples" (2006–2010).

"Development of ecological procedures for the treatment of harmful substances using ferrate (VI) and electrochemical oxidation or reduction." (TR 34025).

President of the Branch for Kosovo and Metohija of the Serbian Chemical Society.

Head of the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, from November 1, 2018 to June 1, 2020. years.

Dr Ružica Micić is one of the authors of the university textbook "Separation Methods in Analytical Chemistry" PMF, Kosovska Mitrovica (2019).

Dr Ružica Micić is one of the authors of the auxiliary textbook (practicum) "Semimicro qualitative chemical analysis" PMF, Niš, (2017).

Dr Ružica Micić is the author of the monograph of national importance "Kinetic analysis of ion traces", Belgrade, Andrejević Endowment, (2011).

Author and co-author of 24 papers on the SCI list.

Since June 28, 2019, by the Decision of the Senate of the University of Prishtina, she has been a full professor for the scientific field of Analytical and Physical Chemistry.

Ružica J. Micić

Full Professor
Department of Chemistry
Mail address:


1. Lukic, V. Micic, R. J. Arsic, B. B Nedovic, B. and Radosavljevic, Z., "Overview of the major classes of new psychoactive substances, psychoactive effects, analytical determination and conformational analysis of selected illegal drugs" Open Chemistry, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 60-106, (2021).

2. Mitic, M. N Jankovic, S. Mrmosanin J. M. Stojkovic M. B. Kostic, D. A. and Micic R. J, "Optimization, Kinetics and Thermodynamics of the Solid-Liquid Extraction Process of Flavonoids from Rosemary (Rosemarinus Officinalis) Leaves" Studia Univerzitatis babes-bolay chemia", Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 111-124, (2020).

3. Micic, R. J.  Jokic, A. B. Simonovic, R. M Arsic, B. B. Mitic, M. N. Galonja-Coghill, T. Cekerevac, M. I. and Nikolic-Bujanovic Lj. N. "Application of Electrochemically Synthesized Ferrates (VI) for the Removal of Th(IV) From Natural Water Samples" Journal of water chemistry and technology, Vol. 41 No. 2, pp. 101-104,, (2019).

4. Simonović, S. Sejmanović, D. Micić, R. Arsić, B. Pavlović, A. Mitić, S. Jokić, A.  Valjarević and   A. Micić, A. "Chemometrics based on the mineral content as a tool for the assessment of the pollution of top soils" Toxin Reviews, Vol. 38 No. 2, pp. 160-170,, (2019).

5. Micic, R. Jokic, A. Simonovic, R. , Mitic, S. Kostic, D. A. Mitic, M. N. Simonovic, S. R.   and Pavlovic J. "Application of Electrochemically Synthesized Ferrates (VI) for the Removal of Th(IV) From Natural Water Samples" Journal of  Water Chemistry and Technology  Vol. 41, pp 101–104,, (2019).

6. Mladenovic, M. P  Arsic, Biljana B.  Stankovic, N. M.  Mihovic, N.  Ragno, R.  Regan, A.  Milicevic J. S  Trtic-Petrovic T. M.  and Micic, R. J. "The Targeted Pesticides as Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors: Comprehensive Cross-Organism Molecular Modelling Studies Performed to Anticipate the Pharmacology of Harmfulness to Humans In Vitro" Molecules, Vol. 23 No. 9, pp 1,,  (2018).

7. Mrmosanin, J. M.  Pavlovic, A. N.  Krstic, J. N.  Mitic, S. S.  Tosic, S. B.  Stojkovic, M. B.  Micic, R. J.  and Djordjevic, M. S. "Multielemental quantification in dark chocolate by ICP OES" Journal of food composition and analysis Vol. 67, No.pp. 163-171, , (2018).

8. Nikolic, M. J.  Pavlovic, A. N.  Mitic, S. S.  Tosic S.B.  Pecev-Marinkovic E. T.  Djordjevic, M. S and  Micic R. J.  "Optimization and Validation of An Inductively Coupled Atomic Emission Spectrometry Method for Macro- and Trace Element Determination in Berry Fruit Samples" Analytical Methods, Vol. 8 No. 24, pp. 4844-4852,,(2016).

9. Micic, R. J . Mitic, S. S.  Arsic, B. B.  Jokic, A. B,  Mitic, M. N.  Kostic, D. A.  Pavlovic, A. N.  Cekerevac, M. I.  Nikolic-Bujanovic, L.N.  and Spalevic, Z. "Statistical characteristics of selected elements in vegetables from Kosovo" Enviromental  Monitoring Assessment Vol. 187 No. 6,pp. 389,, (2015).

10. Pavlovic, A. N.  Mrmosanin, J. M.  Krstic, J. N.  Mitic, S. S.  Tosic, S. B.  Mitic, M. N.  Arsic, B. B. and Micic, R. J. "Effect of Storage Temperature on the Decay of Catechins and Procyanidins in Dark Chocolate" Czech Journal of Food sciencesZ, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 360-366., (2017).

Other information


"Development of new analytical methods and their application for determining the content of heavy metals in various environmental samples" (2006–2010).

"Development of ecological procedures for the treatment of harmful substances using ferrate (VI) and electrochemical oxidation or reduction." (TR 34025).

Area of interest

Analytical environmental chemistry, Analytical toxicology


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