Basic info: Milica M. Popić


Bachelor studies

2006-2011 Biology, University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Sciences

Postgraduate studies/Master studies


PhD studies

2016 Biology, University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Sciences

Short professional biography

Since 2018. Assistant in department of Biology.

Milica M. Popić

Teaching Assistant
Department of Biology
Mail address:


1. Mastilović J, Kevrešan Ž, Jakšić A, Milovanović I, Stanković M, Trajković R, Milenković L, Ilić SZ (2019). Influence of shading on postharvest lettuce quality: differences between exposed and internal leaves. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture 106(1): 65-72.

2. Stanković-Popić М, Trajković R, Šunić Lj, Ilić SZ (2020). Bioindicative operation of pollutants from mine tailings in the Kišnica mine and fly ash from the thermal power plant Obilić on vegetable plants. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 29(4): 2615-2625.

3. Stanković-Popić M., Trajković R., Anđelković S. (2018): Germination of seeds of vegetable cultures of peppers (Capsicum annuumL.) and tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and growing of young plants on the mine dumps substrate from Kišnica Mine and Kosovo B thermal power plant. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans 21(3), 266-279.

4. Stanković М, Trajković Р, Anđelković S (2018). Germination of seed of vegetable cultures of peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) and tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum L.) and growing of young plants of mine dumps substrate froma Kišnica mine and Kosovo B Termal power plants. 21st International Scientific Conference ,,EcoMountain 2018“, 17-18 May 2018, Troyan, Bulgaria.  Book of summaries, p. 227.

Other information



Area of interest

Plant Physiology



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