Basic info: Marko R. Ivanović


Bachelor studies

2009, Faculty of Sciences and Matematics, Niš

Postgraduate studies/Master studies

2013, Faculty of Geography Belgrade

PhD studies

since 2013, Faculty of Geography Belgrade

Short professional biography

Born on August 20, 1983. in Kosovska Mitrovica. Permanintly live in Nis. Married and father of one child.

Graduated primary and secondary school (Gymnasium) with excellent success in Kosovska Mitrovica. After high school, enrolled at the Faculty of Sciences and Matematics in Nis, Department of Geography. Graduated in 2009. Еnrolled in the Master studies in 2011. at the Faculty of Geography Belgrade, University of Belgrade, and graduated in 2013. with an average grade of 9.60. Since 2013. studyng a PhD studies at the Faculty of Geography in Belgrade. Since 2018 working as assistant at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Sciences, University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica, for scientific field of Cartography and Geographic Information Systems.

Actively participating in the work of the Serbian Geographical Society since 2018.

Marko R. Ivanović

Teaching Assistant
Department of Geography
Mail address:


1. Vukoičić, D. Ivanović, R. Radovanović, D. Dragojlović, J. Martić-Bursać, N. Ivanović, M. and D. Ristić, "Assessment of Geotourism Values and Ecological Status of Mines in Kopaonik Mountain (Serbia)" Minerals, 10 (3), pp. 269, DOI: 10.3390/min10030269, (2020).

2. Ivanović, D.R, Valjarević, DJ.A, Srećković-Batoćanin, R.D, Martić-Bursać, N.M, Vukoičić, D.Ž. and Ivanović, R.M, "Hidro geothermal potentials of Rogozna Mountain and possibility of their valorization" Open Geosciences, 11, pp. 1071-1083, DOI: 10.1515/geo-2019-0083, (2019).

3. Bačević, N. Valjarević, A. Kićović, D. Milentijević, N. Ivanović, M. and M. Mujević, "ANALYSIS OF AIR TEMPERATURE TRENDS: CITY OF PODGORICA (MONTENEGRO)" UNIVERSITY THOUGHT- Publication in Natural Sciences, Vol.10, No. 1, pp. 31-36, DOI:, (2020)

4. Иванoвић Р., Ивановић М., Ђoкић М. "Хидрографски потенцијали Ибарског Колашина у функцији развоја туризма" Гласник СГД, XCI - 1 , Беoград, pp. 117-125 DOI: 10.2298/GSGD1101117I, (2011).

5. Иванoвић Р., Мартић-Бурсаћ Н., Ивановић М, Николић М. "Термичке карактеристике ваздуха Нишке котлине у функцији бржег развоја привреде" Гласник СГД , св. XCI – 2, Беoград. pp. 83-92, DOI: 10.2298/GSGD1102085I, (2011).

6. Aleksandar Valjarević, Nikola Bačević and Marko Ivanović, "Digital and numerical methods in estimation of a hazard floods in the Municipality of Obrenovac", International conference Integrations of satellite and ground-based observations and multi-disciplinarity in research and prediction of different types of hazards in Solar system, Book of abstracts, Petnica Science Center, Valjevo, 10.05-13.05. 2019.

7. Радoмир Д. Иванoвић, Марко Р. Ивановић, "Обновљиви извори енергије у образовном систему Републике Србије", Mеђунарoдна научна кoнференција Наука без граница 3, Косовска Митровица, 21.09.- 22.09.2019.

8. Марко Ивановић, Јелена Петрoвић, "Туристички потенцијали Ибарског Колашина", 4. Српски кoнгрес геoграфа, Збoрник радoва, књ.2, Кoпаoник, 07.10-09.10.2015.

9. Радомир Иванoвић, Марко Ивановић, Александар Ваљаревић, Љиљана Стричевић, Ивана Пењишевић, "Geographic transformation of Ibarski Kolasin from the Cvijic’s studies to date", International Scientific Conference, Book of Abstract, Belgrade, 12.10-14.10.2015.

10. Радомир Иванпвић, Милена Николић, Марко Ивановић, "Historical heritage of the city of Nis in the function of tourism development" International scientific conference ״Cultural corridor via diagonalis – cultural tourism without boundaries״, Sofia-Belgrade. 03.10-06.10.2013.

Other information



Area of interest

Cartography and GIS



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