Basic info: Marina Ž. Tošić Stojanović


Bachelor studies

1998-2005, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of NIš

Postgraduate studies/Master studies


PhD studies

2007-2013, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of NIš

Short professional biography

From 2005 to 2015, she worked in primary and secondary schools in Leskovac: chemical-technological school "Božidar Đorđević Kukar", primary school "Slavko Zlatanović" in Miroševac, "Medical school" and economic school "Đuka Dinić". He has been working at the Higher Technical School of Vocational Studies in Zvečan from 2015 to 2018. Since 2018, he has been at the Faculty of  Sciences and Mathematics, University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica, as an assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics.

Marina Ž. Tošić Stojanović

Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
Mail address:


1. M. Tošić, D. S. Cvetković-Ilić, and C. Deng, The Moore-Penrose inverse of a linear combination of commuting generalized and hypergeneralized projectors, The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, Vol. 22, pp. 1129-1137, (2011).

2. M. Tošić, D. S. Cvetković-Ilić, The invertibility of two matrices and partial orderings, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, pp. 4651-4657, (2012).

3. M. Tošić and D. S. Cvetković-Ilić, The invertibility of the difference and the sum of commuting  generalized and hypergeneralized projectors, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, Vol. 61, pp. 482-493, (2013).

4. M. Tošić, Characterizations and the Moore-Penrose inverse of hypergeneralized k-projectors, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 501–510,  (2014).

5. M. Tošić,  On some linear combinations of commuting involutive and idempotent      matrices,  Applied Mathematics and Computation,  Vol. 233, pp. 103-108, (2014).

6. M. Mišić, M. Tošić, Z. J. Popović, Generalized inverses of a linear combination of Moore-Penrose Hermitian matrices, Filomat, Vol. 30:11, pp. 2965-2972,  (2016).

7. M. Tošić, D. Nikolić, Generalisani i hipergeneralisani projektori u C*-algebrama, Menadžment znanja, ISSN 1452-9661, Vol. XI, No. 1-2, pp. 65-69, (2016).

8. M. Tošić, Notes on the Moore-Penrose inverse of a linear combination of commuting generalized and hypergeneralized projectors, University thought-Publication in Natural, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 69-75, (2017).

9. M. Tošić, Ljajko E., Kontrec N., Stojanović V., The Nullity, Rank, and Invertibility of Linear Combination of k-Potent Matrices, Mathematics, Vol. 8, No. 12, 2147, (2020).

Other information



Area of interest

Theory of Generalized Inverses



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