Full Professor
Faculty employed from other institutions
Mail address: sinisa.ilic@pr.ac.rs
1. Ðurica Marković, Siniša Ilić, Dragutin Pavlović, Jasna Plavšić and Nesa Ilich Multivariate and multi-scale generator based on non-parametric stochastic algorithms, Journal of Hydroinformatics (2019) 21 (6): 1102-1117. Doi: 10.2166/hydro.2019.071
2. Milos Ilic, Sinisa Ilic, Srdjan Jovic, Stefan Panic, Early cherry fruit pathogen disease detection based on data mining prediction, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 150 (2018) 418–425
3. Đurica Marković, Jasna Plavšić, Nesa Ilich, Siniša Ilić, Non-parametric Stochastic Generation of Streamflow Series at Multiple Locations, Water Resources Management (2015) 29:4787–4801
4. Sinisa Ilic, Mile Petrovic, Branimir Jaksic, Petar Spalevic, Ljubomir Lazic, Mirko Milosevic, Experimental analysis of picture quality after compression by different methods, PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 89 NR 11/2013
5. Ilic Sinisa S., Zoric Aleksandar C., Spalevic Petar C., Lazic Ljubomir R, Multithreaded Application for Real-Time Visualization of ECG Signal Waveforms and their Spectrums, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL, (2013), vol. 8 br. 4, pp. 548-559.
6. Radosavljević Dragana B., Ilić Siniša S., Milojević Svetomir Ž., Bojović Živko C., Marković Miljana S. " Modelovanje kinetike hidrodestilacije etarskog ulјa ploda kleke (Juniperus communis L.) nelinearnom regresijom" DOI:10.2298/HEMIND160715048R
7. S.S.Ilic, P. Spalevic, UsingWavelet Packets for Selectivity Estimation, The Computer Journal, doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxs038. 2012
8. Siniša S. Ilić, Detection of the Left Bundle Branch Block in Continuous Wavelet Transform of ECG Signal, Elektronika IR Elektrotechnika, No. 2(74), pp. 33-36, 2007
9. Kristijan Kuk, Petar Spalević, Siniša Ilić, Marko Carić, Zoran Trajčevski, A Model for Student Knowledge Diagnosis through Game Learning Environment, TTEM journal, Vol. 7., No.1, II/III 2012, 103-110
10. Aleksandar Č. Žorić, Siniša S. Ilić, Đurđe Perišić, Slobodan Obradović, Petar Spalević, Wireless electrocardiography system, Scientific Research and Essays, Vol. 7(4), pp. 468-476, 2012